A message from UA International Representative John J. Murphy
Monday, April 6, 2020
UA Brothers and Sisters,
In this unprecedented time, America is searching for any glimmer of hope. In the midst of fear gripping our nation, our communities need to know that help is on the way. Whether it was the events of 9-11, the pain of Superstorm Sandy or this pandemic, our members once again race to the frontlines to protect the health of the nation. That patriotism, that selfless leadership is what makes our country great and elevates the human spirit in a time we need it most. I’m humbled and proud to be part of this UA family. Stay strong, stay safe. We’ll get through this together. God bless the UA.
John J. Murphy
International Representative
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices
of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the
United States and Canada